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Monday, May 19, 2008

RCBC Massacre

The months of May and June signal the start of the rainy season for most of us, but others who are more observant would know that it also is the season of bank robberies, kidnapping, carnapping and all sorts of theft. And why are they stealing specifically at this time of the year? Answer is simple: to pay for the exorbitant tuition fees for their children and to combat hunger amid the rising prices of commodities.  

The recent robbery-massacre at RCBC Cabuyao was a horrible case that shocked the nation. We, including you and me, have, in one way or another, stepped into the premises of banks which also serve as pillars of our economy. 

Some of us probably are employed by financial institutions, or may have loved ones and friends who are bank employees. Our hearts bleed for the innocent lives that were unjustly taken in that RCBC branch, in pursuit of money.

Killing all the bank employees may have wiped out the people who could have served as witnesses to the heinous crime, but in no way would the criminals have peace of mind, as truth and justice will find its way through.

The challenge now is how to ensure the safety and security of bank employees and clients. CCTV cameras have been helpful in solving crimes in most cases, but unfortunately, in that bank branch, there was none of them working. We have seen in the past, security guards being gunned down or disarmed by bank robbers who carried much more powerful weapons, and bank tellers giving up their cash at gun point.

What is it that we can do to overcome all these criminal acts? Life is getting difficult. People are getting hungry, and more and more now belong under the poverty line.

Let us pray for the victims and their families. Let us help rebuild our society. And let us take time to pray for the culprits as well.

Dexter C. Lim, M.B.A.
Analyst, Bayan Telecommunications
Financial Advisor, AXA Philippines


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