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Monday, August 28, 2006

Money! Money! Money!

Duh! Money!!!! Who in the world is not interested with money? Everybody does, from the wealthiest businessman on earth, to the humble young farmer planting seedlings in a faraway land...

Whatever purpose we may have, we do and will find ways to make more money. We spend it daily, some earn it easily, while a whole lot of beings seem to spend without earning 'em. We need to ensure that we earn more than we spend, or spend less than we earn, or else we get cash-trapped.

Throughout the years, we have seen how money has been invested, earned, and transformed creatively, in a dramatic and infinite number of ways. We previously had our piggy banks where we stored our coins. Then we had the passbook where we monitored our cash position in a bank. Money later on became plastic, with the emergence of the credit and ATM cards. Cards that were previously imprinted manually on receipts soon adapted electronic means of transacting, with the introduction of POS systems. In the onslaught of the electronic digital age, money is now stored in virtual banks. In the form of bonds, securities, and other instruments. And what could even be more innovative? Commodities are now being traded in the exchange. Your money is turned into virtual gold, oil, and even orange juice? Hmmm... getting juicier every minute huh!

Money is now a global commodity, available in various forms. It is a necessity, extremely valuable for what it brings to our lives. With the continuous rise in our cost of living, we must continually find ways to generate better returns for our money. It is for our future, it is what we ought to enjoy when we reach the retirement years.

Unfortunately though, with the emergency of online technologies, scams and other questionable investment vehicles also abound in cyberspace. It is necessary for us to investigate and dig deeper into each of these investment activities before jumping on board the easy way to getting richer.

Education and research on emerging opportunities are indeed big steps to achieving success in investing. Being well-informed in anticipation of future market undertakings gives us an edge over the others in achieving financial freedom.

Now, let's say you've achieved the wealth that you've dreamed about. Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Will you ever be satisfied with all that you have? All material things may be worthless afterall, if you do not live a happy life. So in starting any undertaking, just make sure that you have a goal in mind, a purpose for why you think of getting rich.

-by Dexter


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March 10, 2008 5:20 PM  

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